What is it?
Percy is a device-independent tool to perform online perception experiments. Researchers can learn something about spoken language via setting up an experiment design where participants listen to audio stimuli and can give their judgment about it afterwards.
For Whom is it?
Percy is a tool that can be used by researchers who want to know something about spoken language but it is also quite interesting for the participants as they can give judgements about the stimuli and manipulate them.
And the Details?
To define an experiment design a researcher first has to think about what stimuli, input options and questions he or she wants to present to the participant. The researcher can chose among three options for setting up the experiment design: He or she can (1) use the inbuilt editor, (2) use the default user interface or (3) contact percy@phonetik.uni-muenchen.de for a more advanced experiment design. There is also the possibility to choose from a set of experiments that were already conducted.
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